Everything You Want to Know About the Samsung Bixby on the Galaxy Note 9

Samsung has always been one of the pioneers in smartphone technology. Plus they are proving it again with the Samsung Bixby which was first launched with all the Galaxy S8 in 2017. For those who have not had the chance to experience it yet, there may be brand new features and developments on its functions with its most recent release with all the Galaxy Notice 9.

But what is Bixby exactly and exactly what do you really do with it? This article will answer your questions, so read on.

What is Samsung Bixby?

For those who have used or heard Siri or even Google Assistant, then you might be familiar with Samsung Bixby. These technologies would be the digital voice supporters of now, that may follow your spoken commands. And you also can use them in your smart phone as well as other smart devices.

There might be a great deal of things lacking with Bixby upon its release. And people found good use of its competitors Google Assistant and Siri over it. But given that an upgrade was published with the introduction of the Galaxy Notice 9 only in August of the past year, you may want to rethink your choices and decide on Bixby as your new voice assistant.

What are the new Bixby features on Samsung Note 9 that makes it better than its other brand counterparts?

Bixby has become more conversational.

It is able to quickly integrate with taxi and food ordering applications.

It has a wider level of control.

Its touch and voice interface will be completely interchangeable.

It follows flexible commands.

Bixby has indeed become more intelligent that it will be able to encourage nearly every task that the application form is still capable of performing. More over, Bixby's intellect is smart enough to recognize its user's intentions just from the key words on your own commands. That is what makes Bixby better than Siri and Google Assistance. And so on, you may use it on almost any other device.

Along with the excellent reviews of Bixby's updates, the samsung-galaxy Notice 9 inspection, which Bixby was released together, are also boasting with favorable things.

If you're one who is into everything technology, you'd love to find out what the newest Galaxy Notice 9 has to offer. Therefore, go on over to our smartphone info site, Grid Ireland, and then read all about the latest technology releases.

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